Mr.Happy Go Lucky

John Mellencamp Mr.Happy Go Lucky專輯

11.The Full Catasrophe

I扉e ridden down the sunset
Drank expensive wine
I扉e been married two dozen times
Raised ten children on a workmans pay
And i惴 glad to say i扉e enjoyed every day
Of the full catastrophe of life

I扉e sat in courtrooms
Had people call me names
I扉e been to london town
On a supersonic plane
I was lovin?your wife
While you were lovin?mine
And i惴 glad to say i扉e enjoyed every day
Of the full catastrophe of life

I扉e opened my belt to trouble everyday
Ain愒 looking for a fight
But you know i won愒 run away
From the full catastrophe of life

I扉e seen the goodness
I扉e known the baddest around
I was tattooed when it first came out
I shook the hand that showed moses the way
And i惴 glad to say i扉e enjoyed every day
Of the full catastrophe of life